New Residential
We offer individualized quotes based on custom, on-site, needs analysis. Checking your roof, Panel Capacity, backup needs, and allowing you any needed future electric expansion in-person, not just reviewing an email of your power bill, allows us to give you a truly personalized installation that meets your current and future needs.
If you are considering a solar upgrade to your home, why wouldn’t you use a company that would be there when you need them next? With 75 Years of experience Briggs Electric has been serving the community long enough to develop long-standing relationships with customers and industries. The backbone of our success is repeat business that can only come from placing a high value on safe and high-quality installations.
Briggs Electric is not just a solar installation company, but rather a full-service electrical contractor that will custom design, install, and maintain your home investment.
With the highest quality available products and ongoing annual service, we can maintain the highest level of output from your solar system. We include a service plan, not just a warranty, to routinely check the function and efficiency of your new solar system by conducting physical checks, infrared scans, and Maximum Power Point curve tracers. We are also certified by each product manufacturer we install to be able to enlarge the warranty they offer to you.
Residential Existing
We offer an annual service plan to check the function and efficiency of your new solar system by conducting routine visual and physical checks, infrared scans, and Maximum Power Point curve traces.
We include:
Visual inspections of the system for damage
Functional inspections of the system to ensure expected power
I.R. scans of panels and equipment to ensure it is operating as designed
Electrical checks to find any faults
Reliable Warranty Service
Assistance with anything that may decrease output
We offer the highest quality products available from:
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